A Message from our Practice Business Manager

Dear patients,
Last evening we encountered a situation at the Wootton Street Surgery, our branch site in Cosham. At around 5pm a group of 6 youths, both male and female, entered the surgery and were rude and threatening to our staff, refusing to leave the premises, lighting cigarettes in the waiting room and causing potential damage to our building. This is the culmination of several things that our staff have experienced over the past few weeks from the same group.
This behaviour is wholly unacceptable and has been reported to the Police for further action to be taken. As our patients will know, we have a zero tolerance stance to behaviour such as this and further incidents may result in the youths and their families being removed from our practice list if they are registered with us.
I would ask anyone, if they witnessed or have any information about the events of last evening, especially information that may help identify the group, to contact the surgery via email to hiowicb-p.draytonsurgerystaff@nhs.net FAO Daniel Ferrett.
Our staff work hard to provide a service to the community and shouldn’t have to experience this kind of abuse when doing their job. I am shocked and appalled that this has happened within a healthcare facility with no apparent reason other than entertainment.
Many thanks
Daniel Ferrett
Practice Business Manager
The Drayton Surgery